Best Seller

Most of us hate visiting the dentist. The idea of someone sticking tools in our mouths and fiddling around inside while we lie on a chair helplessly like a gaping goldfish is no one’s idea of fun. Let’s not even get started on the whirring little buzzsaw tools they use. Yet, we endure this ordeal for the sake of our teeth. Walking around with a few missing teeth like a meth addict is worse than being at...
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Weight loss pills, tonics and other ‘lightning in a bottle’ type of products have been on the market for DECADES. The two things that most of them have in common are: they don’t work and/or they have a very limited ‘shelf life’. Most weight loss pills are usually here today and gone tomorrow. They burst on to the scene with hype and fanfare – and people lap up the hype and try the products out. When they...
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Have you ever noticed that when you wake up in the morning, your stomach tends to be flatter? Ahh… if only it would stay that way. But no… the moment you eat, the belly gets bloated. The question now is – why does one’s stomach seem flatter after a night’s rest? The answer is simple. Your body is in a fasted state. Since you’re not consuming any food, the metabolic processes in your body use up the...
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Woodworking is becoming more and more popular these days. People are starting to realize that working with their hands and creating functional products they could use is a very satisfying endeavour. It’s a productive hobby that helps to relieve stress. If you’re skilled, you can even sell your handiwork and make a healthy side income. That said, one of the biggest obstacles to woodworking is finding plans that you can use. Most plans either lack detail or...
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Anyone who has been trying to make money online for more than 2 minutes would have heard of ClickBank and what a potential goldmine it is. The problem that many beginners and even intermediate marketers face is that they just can’t crack the ‘ClickBank code’. It’s as though those who know what to do are insiders who are raking in the cash while everyone else is an outsider struggling to make a single sale. It used to...
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Pain can be debilitating and bring your life to an absolute standstill. Have you ever stubbed your little toe on the couch? In that moment, your entire world becomes your pinky toe as you grimace in pain and press your toe to ease the agony. That’s how crippling pain can be. Now imagine living in constant pain. Millions of people endure nagging neck, shoulder and back pain daily. Painkillers help but the effects are only temporary. Masking...
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The movie ‘Limitless’ was a blockbuster because it spoke to people’s secret desire to have mental powers that allow them to be more focused and intelligent than the masses around them. While the movie was entertaining, there’s no pill on this planet that can give you such ‘mental powers’. That said, the nootropics industry is booming right now. More and more people are turning to products such as Noocube and Qualia Mind to improve their concentration and...
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Age is NEVER just a number when you’re using adult diapers. Generally, bladder leakage tends to affect the elderly and is passed off as just something that happens. But have you stopped to ask, “Why does it happen?” It happens because one’s sphincter muscles are not strong enough to close off their urethra. As a result, when they sneeze, laugh, lift, something heavy or even cough, they exert pressure on the bladder and the urine leaks out....
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Can you lose weight with juicing? Yes, you can. This was proven by Joe Cross, in his documentary, ‘Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead’. However, Joe took quite a while to lose his excess pounds. But what if you wished to lose a chunk of weight within 3 weeks? Can smoothies help you here? Maybe you want to go to the beach… or you wish to fit into a sexy dress for a party. You need a quick...
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The diabetes industry is a billion-dollar behemoth. Since there’s no cure for diabetes, most of the money is made in treating it or creating products that supposedly aid in managing it. There are countless books written on the topic. Most go unread. There are countless supplements that claim to help, but most are hyped up and drop off the market within a short while. Rarely do you come across a supplement for diabetes sufferers that becomes an...
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The importance of good gut health cannot be overstated. In fact, there’s an article on The Guardian website which highlights just how vital good gut health is. While medication will address the symptoms, to restore your gut health, you’ll need to eat a variety of foods such as kimchi, bone broth, yoghurt, etc. Here’s the hard truth – most of us just do NOT have the time to constantly think about eating foods to restore the balance...
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There’s absolutely no denying that the keto diet works. Yet, getting it to work for you can be a Herculean task. The main goal of the keto diet is to put your body in a state of ketosis where it taps into fat for fuel rather than relying on glucose. If you can achieve this state, you’ll constantly be in fat burning mode and will not have food cravings because your body has an ample supply of...
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Over the past year or so, more people than ever before have come online to try their hand at internet marketing. With the loss of thousands of jobs because of the pandemic and the ever increasing inflation rate, an online income stream is no longer something that’s nice to have… but is fast becoming a necessity to millions of people. Here’s the problem… Most people don’t even know where to start. With so many different business models...
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Does numerology work? Or is all just woo-woo new age mystical mumbo jumbo like horoscopes and astrology? This debate has been going on for ages but no matter which way you go, one truth remains – these ancient disciplines are not going anywhere any time soon. To he who believes, no persuasion is necessary. To he who doesn’t, no amount of persuasion is enough. The truth is that numerology works if you believe in it and act...
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We live in a highly stressed out world right now. With government mandates, a pandemic that shows no sign of going away, the financial stresses of life where everything keeps getting more expensive… it’s all very stressful. Stress can lead to a myriad of health problems. It lowers your immunity and opens the door to diseases to ravage your body. It’s crucial that you de-stress and stay sane in an insane world. But how do you do...
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“Does the world need yet another weight loss pill?!!” That’s the first question we asked when we heard about Lean Belly 3X. If anything, the world needs less hyped up weight loss ‘miracles in a bottle’. But here’s what made us sit up and take notice… We discovered that Shaun Hadsall’s name was associated with the product. In fact, he is the creator of this product. Anybody who has been in the online fitness industry long enough...
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One of the reasons most people struggle with weight loss is because they’re constantly battling their hormones and hunger cravings. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. All their best intentions go out the window late in the night when hunger or the uncontrollable food cravings come creeping in and they find themselves furtively skulking near the refrigerator and seeking solace in its dull orange glow as they binge eat in quiet shame. It sounds...
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Diabetes has been plaguing society for as long as we can remember, but things are getting worse. With high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) sneakily making its way into most processed foods, obesity and diabetes statistics have skyrocketed. As expected, the pharmaceutical industry’s solution to the problem is to throw more medication at it to manage the symptoms rather than find the cure. After all, the money is in the treatment. Over the past decade, we’ve seen many...
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If you mentioned the term ‘hip flexors’, most people would scratch their heads and ask, “hip flexiwhaat?” That’s because we don’t really hear much about them unlike biceps and abs and the other showy muscles. However, your hip flexors which are comprised of the rectus femoris, iliacus, psoas, iliocapsularis, and sartorius muscles, span your hip and are connected to your leg and back muscles. If your hip flexors are tight (and most people’s ones are from sitting...
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Diabetes has seen skyrocketing numbers over the past decade. High fructose corn syrup pervades most processed foods. Excessive consumption of these foods and simple carbohydrates has made obesity an epidemic. These days, being overweight is the norm. With the Covid pandemic and people being told to stay home more, we lead more sedentary lifestyles than ever before. Is it any wonder that millions of people are succumbing to diabetes? There is a very thin silver lining to...
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Yoga has been around for centuries, and most people look at it as a form of exercise that’s gentle and used for stress relief. The truth of the matter is that yoga is extremely effective for building strength, toning your body and helping with weight loss too. Some of the most aesthetically-pleasing physiques belong to yoga practitioners who can execute poses that would make a bodybuilder tremble and groan. Over the past few years, one of the...
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